Thursday, February 3, 2011


Forgiveness - not a practice that is usually natural, fun or easy. If someone has hurt, betrayed or abused us, the last thing in the world we want to do is forgive them. They were wrong and we were right! And we can always find people to agree with our plight.

Years ago I felt terribly abused, victimized and abandoned by a man who professed to love me for life. After he had unceremoniously kicked me to the curb, I would tell my sad story to anyone who would listen. While doing so I was frequently reduced to tears and often brought people with me. After about two years, my life was still in shambles: financially, emotionally, physically and in my relationships. When I meditated about my predicament the message that dropped in was: “How do you expect to move forward when you are constantly turning around and facing your past.” Oh no, this meant I was going to have to stop telling my story! But I was right! This wasn’t fair! Then the age old question came to me: “Do you want to be right, or be happy?” I wanted BOTH! I began to realize that maybe I could only have one, so after some serious contemplation I chose to be happy. This meant I had to stop complaining, I had to stop telling my story, and in fact I had to open my mind to forgiving the horrible man that had devastated me so completely. Darn….truth be told I wanted to witness his demise, I wanted him to experience the pain he so readily inflicted it onto others. However, if I wanted to manifest a happy, love-filled, prosperous and successful life, I not only had to forgive him, I had to bless him. This is NOT the way I wanted things to look. *Sigh,* O.K. here we go.

I made a committment to not to give into the temptation to tell my story. Additionally every time “he” dropped into my mind I said to myself “God bless him on his path, God bless me on mine.” I also did a forgiveness ceremony, where I lit a candle, invited Spirit in for the highest good of all concerned, and visualized cutting the heart cords that connected us. I placed him in a bubble that floated away and put a bubble of love and protection around me. I decided to give myself two months and if life wasn’t getting better, I was going to start hating him again. Well, life did start to improve and in fact, the anger and hatred was actually dissipating. At first the practice did not feel all that authentic, but after a while, it did. I think with the practice forgiveness it is indeed a practice, there can be layers and layers to peel off - and sometimes we have to fake it until we make it.

Today I am happy to report the forgiveness is complete. In fact, in truth I realize there was nothing to forgive. This man was a character in the drama of my life, playing out a part I assigned to him. He was a reflection of how I treated myself. And if it wouldn’t have been him, it would have been someone else like him. He motivated me in setting different intentions and get really serious about a Spirit-filled, love-filled, and empowered. Today I am in a long term marriage with a solid, beautiful, generous loving man, I have my own radio show on, I am an artist who is compensated well for my paintings, I am a sacred art facilitator, counselor, I have a double Ph.D. and a book, that supports, inspires and uplifts others. Thank God this man left me, or I never would have became who I came to Earth to be!

So, we don’t choose to forgive another for them…we choose to forgive them for ourselves. It is about a “learning orientation” to life, rather than the victim stance. When feeling really upset or angry about what another did or did not do, first ask yourself if you treat yourself that same why? And second ask yourself what your soul is trying to learn. When I asked myself those two questions, the answer was, yes, I was extremely harsh and abusive to myself and secondly it was time to quit giving my power away and be the star of my own life. Such great advice and wisdom from the depth of my soul!

It is through the process of forgiveness that we become free, empowered and truly happy. Withholding forgiveness takes so much energy, wouldn’t you really use that energy for something else? And really it feels so much better to be in our loving than our hatred don’t you think? Please write me with any thoughts, feelings or questions and may you be blessed with the profound power of authentic forgiveness!


  1. Blessings Sister Tammi!

    You are full of wisdom...thank you so much for not only your book but for this awesome post as a reminder.

    This is exactly what I needed to read right now to remind me.

    I am in that process. I mean, I do forgive, but I am having trouble letting go!!

    I suppose just because you think and say you forgive...if you are still harping on the episode...then...have you truly forgiven and have you let go.

    Learning to truly forgive and let go....


    P.S. Your book is awesome!

  2. Hello Tamu,

    It seems you are going through those layers of forgiveness. Usually forgiveness is a process that takes time, not an event that happens quickly or all at once. And yes, the "letting go" part, very powerful. I have found that surrender (or inviting Spirit in) to be very helpful in the healing process. I have said to God "I am having a hard time forgiving this person but I am open to the concept, I surrender the relationship to You, and invite You in to forgive through me." I have often experienced great relief after doing this.

    Blessings on your journey, I thnk you are doing great. May you continue to heal, become whole and empowered with grace, ease and joy!


